Apex Legends Status  |  Apex Legends server status and player statistics

Mad20maggie pick rate statistics

Current Mad20Maggie's pick rate is 0% (0‰) across all ranks.

Current Mad20Maggie's players average rank is Rookie 4, average level of 0

The data is computed from the players in our database (25880800 players) and may not be fully accurate. This is not official data.

Cosmetics usage statistics for Mad20Maggie

Always wanted to know what's the rarest badges/skins, what's the proportion of players playing that legendary skin? This is the place to check! Data from players who have been active in the last 2 weeks in the apexlegendsstatus player database. This is based on the currently selected cosmetics for each active players in our database in the last 14 days. (17M+ players).

Color code: Common / Rare / Epic / Legendary / Heirloom

Quick nav: Badges / Skins / Poses / Intros / Frames /

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