Apex Legends Status |  Apex Legends server status and player statistics

Player Stats Compare

Quickly compare your stats with the top players & your friends, and view your progression over time. Add players to your Bookmarked player list for them to show up below!

Patron supporters feature

This feature is available to Tier 3 Patrons. Learn more about the available perks & how this supports ALS by clicking here
As a demo, you can view data for the top 3 preds on PC - and your lovely website dev. Unless you're a Tier 3 or above Patron, you can't change the players below.

You're getting access to cool perks, on top of supporting a community made, ads-free website. And that's really cool ❤️.

Select up to 4 players

First picked player is used as the primary player. Stats Compare data relies on the match history games recorded from your profile. It is recommended to use your match history gifts to your friends with who you want to compare your data for more accurate data. Legend data relies on trackers picked in game.

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