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Landing Spot Picker

You can use this tool when running scrims or tournaments and want an easy way for teams to claim their landing spot. Create a map below and share the link with the created password to your members.

You need to be logged into your ALS account to create a map. Click here to login.

How to use

When you create a map, you will be given a link and a password. Share the link with your team and/or viewers. They will then be able to claim a landing spot on the map, using the password that you can find by clicking on the "Password/Settings" on the map page. This password is mandatory to allow teams to claim their area and make sure other users who have the link are the not able to do that. You can also use the map to see which spots are already claimed.
The map admin is able to remove teams claim.
Teams displayed with a red background and a crown are teams contesting a same POI.

Latest created maps (w/ title)
Title Map Created at (UTC) Views
REMT Storm Point 03/05/2024 10:51 3 Open
REMT Worlds Edge 03/05/2024 10:42 5 Open
无知 Worlds Edge 02/05/2024 12:39 19 Open
ALCP Storm Point Storm Point 02/05/2024 03:31 34 Open
ALCP world's edge Worlds Edge 02/05/2024 03:25 18 Open
Octane Collegiate Season 2 Championship Storm Point 01/05/2024 03:35 121 Open
Octane Collegiate Season 2 Championship Worlds Edge 01/05/2024 03:33 111 Open
Octane Collegiate S2 Championship Qualifier Storm Point 01/05/2024 03:27 301 Open
Octane Collegiate S2 Championship Qualifier Worlds Edge 01/05/2024 03:24 287 Open
DNM Cup Storm Point 30/04/2024 19:40 211 Open
DNM Cup Worlds Edge 30/04/2024 19:37 235 Open
Octane Collegiate Stage 3 Finals Storm Point 28/04/2024 03:46 552 Open
Octane Collegiate Stage 3 Finals Worlds Edge 28/04/2024 03:45 452 Open
DNM Cup Storm Point 27/04/2024 19:55 332 Open
DNM Cup Worlds Edge 27/04/2024 19:53 310 Open

ALS provides an API for landing zones. The endpoint is https://apexlegendsstatus.com/api/landingzone?auth=YOUR_API_KEY&qt=QUERY_TYPE. You can find your API key on this page.

Two query types are available:
This allows you to get all the teams, their claimed POI and if their POI is contested by another team (if yes, which team). You can access any map data using the ID in the URL (last part of the URL). For example, to get https://apexlegendsstatus.com/landing-spot-picker/3306f500cd45fecbbd0a6f421375493eed6bdd72 data, make a GET https://apexlegendsstatus.com/api/landingzone?auth=YOUR_API_KEY&uuid=e7a48b16902cb0611bef51a2a269e3a531cf749b&qt=get and replace YOUR_API_KEY by your ALS API Key. The data structure should be easy to understand by looking at any map.

This can be used to create a map. API will return a link & claim password. You need to get approved first to access the create API. For this, email [email protected] or DM @_apexstatus on Twitter.