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Apex Legends outage history: February 2021 overview

Based on 1,115,991 user reports since website opening
Click on a day below to get stats about this specific day (day with less than 600 reports / day with less than 1500 reports AND outage detected / day with more than 1500 reports AND outage detected)
Apex Legends outages list

Outage # Date Number of reports
#1 Outage on February 26th 2021 920 reports
#2 Outage on February 25th 2021 1,037 reports
#3 Outage on February 24th 2021 1,113 reports
#4 Outage on February 23rd 2021 677 reports
#5 Outage on February 22nd 2021 751 reports
#6 Outage on February 17th 2021 810 reports
#7 Outage on February 16th 2021 1,735 reports
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