Apex Legends Status  |  Apex Legends server status and player statistics

How many points to reach Predator?

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Battle Royale


41,010 RP

 907 in 24h

11,889 Masters and Preds*


38,378 RP

 1,295 in 24h

7,336 Masters and Preds*


26,911 RP

 571 in 24h

3,085 Masters and Preds*


15,000 RP


969 Masters and Preds*

Data is updated hourly.
* All Masters have a hidden ladder ranking that is only displayed when being a Predator (you can still see it on the website on your profile page). The total amount of masters is guessed using the highest ranking found in the ALS database. The number found is very likely to be under-estimated, as all masters players are not in the ALS database. However, if the last master is in our database, the ranking will be 100% accurate.
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