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Last updated on July 02 2024 09:48:23. Leaderboards are updated every 6 hours.

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Revenant's BR Kills leaderboard

PSA: Legend Kills Leaderboards are now updating every 2 minutes instead of every 6 hours. Only for World region.
Top #100 Battle Royale predators and Arenas predators are updated live on the live ranked leaderboards (click here)
To show up in your country leaderboard, claim your account first by clicking here.

Ranked points needed to reach predator are available here.
# Player name BR Kills
#1Revengeful   205,786
#2DemoniioTV | Twitch   143,122
#3SRT_Q8_KW   133,619
#4IX-UltronGazz-XI   117,616
#5AntechristuM   110,704
#6MerlynFooX   106,051
#7JaKapolot   93,542
#8nH_NoroCR   93,455
#9Stevie g   93,033
#10Revfaz   87,558
#11-.- .. .-.. .-.. / -- .   86,041
#12DaDarkwave   81,427
#13Sw1ftFps-   78,882
#14Mechanic   75,762
#15nKuromii   73,633
#16ImZaggs   72,954
#17AdriiTzx   72,449
#18BaruMan_11   71,770
#19ApalIyon   69,353
#20Pvt Cornflake   68,833
#21Xusics   68,437
#22EVIL__515   63,664
#23iiTzOnlyShoKazZ   63,020
#24RevDaddySenpaiYT   61,294
#25SilxntWaltz   60,435
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